Monday, November 21, 2011

Does anyone know of any skin care / make up products which are water based and don't contain lanolin......

or mineral oil? I was just reading up on it and lanolin can cause red, swollen and itchy eyelids which I've been getting really badly. It also said that hypoallergenic makeup, which I've also been using (clinique) can cause this as it contains lanolin, I've just checked and it does. I tried no makeup today and just used E45 cream but I just checked that also, and it contains lanolin too!! So maybe even thats been causing my problems. Does anyone have any ideas of what I can use, ie, moisturisers and makeup. I hear that water based, lanolin free, light coloured and matt makeup is best? But which makes? I get married in June and I really want to get to the root of this problem before then. Thanks

Does anyone know of any skin care / make up products which are water based and don't contain lanolin......
I think Boots No7 range is. HAve you tried the bodyshop, and Liz Earl products, Lanolin is sheep sweat not many people know that,
Reply:You may want to try Ayurvedic treatments they are pretty natural

may be of some help
Reply:boots no7 is lanolin free!!!

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