Monday, November 21, 2011

Penis itch and pink skin around the end. NO sores and NO discharge. What can it be?

We see each other sexually only on weekends. Being female, I have NO symptoms and when his pink rash is gone by the weekend , we make love and it returns.This has been going on about a month. Never had this happen before to us. Both going to Docter.Doesn't sound like Herpes .Yeast infection maybe? Don't answer unless you've had a itchy penis before.Serious inquiries only.

Penis itch and pink skin around the end. NO sores and NO discharge. What can it be?
Yeast infection is a likely candidate -- we've had them on and off, sometimes worse than others. However, when I have ended up with a yeast infection, it doesn't usually show up as itchiness until the following day.

Everybody has yeast cells, but certain people (especially those with tendencies towards diabetes, low thyroid, or weak immune systems) are more susceptible than others. If you only see each other sexually on the weekends, his body may not have adapted to your "vaginal flora" as they say.

It would be interesting to follow up and see if his skin ever gets dry and flaky after the rash. (That's an EXTREME case, and one I always hated getting because if it gets really dry, it cracks open if it, uhhhh, expands, if you know what I mean.)

You should be examined by a doctor for signs of yeast infection; they'll take a sample and look under the microscope. If you have one you'll probably get a recommendation for over-the-counter meds. The one-dose meds haven't done much for us, but take that with a grain of salt; my wife has diabetes AND low thyroid, so we get the double-whammy. Oh, it's also worse during your period, because there's a lot of material for the yeast cells to consume and grow on.

The single best thing we do: rigorous sanitation after sex. This means getting up as soon as we've caught our breath and taking a shower. I noticed once while reading the box (we were out of magazines...) that the dandruff shampoo I use (Neutrogena T-Gel) has an antifungal agent in it, and yeast is fungus, so I wash off with this shampoo and then dry well. I have NEVER caught a yeast infection when I've done this, so it's become a habit.

The other thing to look into is latex sensitivity. You don't mention what birth control you're using, but if he's wearing condoms he isn't getting yeast from you, but he MIGHT be getting a reaction to the latex. And if you're using a latex diaphragm, he may be reacting to that.
Reply:Perhaps hes allergic to happens!
Reply:i think its scabies.u should consult a dermatologist
Reply:Have you been tested for candida lately? Yes, it could be a yeast infection, it comes and goes.


Do you use condoms? If yes, he might be sensitive to the rubber or the anti-semen in the condom.

Hope this helps, but it would be wise to see the doctor again, or change doctor!


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