Monday, November 21, 2011

Has anybody heard of a case of chicken pox that was bearly itchy and looked like bad acne?

I woke up Thursday morning and had 4 red acne looking things on my face. I thought since Im 13, maybe Im just having a bad skin week. But I looked on my stomach and my back and their were more. Over the past few days theyve multiplied! My mother and doctor think it may be chicken pox but we arent sure. They itch occasionally but the only ones that really itch are on my scalp. I bearly get the urge to itch them and I just think thats a bit odd for chicken pox.

Has anybody heard of a case of chicken pox that was bearly itchy and looked like bad acne?
Just a mild case. Be care not to make scabs that can become scars.

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