Everytime I bath her she itches uncontrolably. She digs so much at the bottom of her legs that her hair is starting to thin. I have bought her special oatmeal shampoo and itchy skins meds, but it just doesn't seem to be helping. Does anyone know what this could possible be. Or how to treat it or what to do? Thanks!
I have a Chiuaua/Dotson Mix?
~two issues:
1) stress/being nervous about the bath. When she stresses, the blood flow in her skin works over time and causes her to scratch uncontrollably.
2) when you bathe the little cutie-pie, you are stripping her skin of the protective oils it desperately needs to keep it healthy so it doesn't dry out - dry skin causes her to itch/scratch like crazy!
Just stop bathing her. Dogs clean themselves well enough. If you give her a chance, her oil will re-coat her skin and fur, and she can heal herself. If you really feel that she needs a bath, take her to a professional, and tell them ahead of time about her issues.
God bless you both Sweetheart. :)
Reply:poor doggy. its skin itches and its owner can't even spell its breed name. take her to the vet.
Reply:It sounds like some kind of allergy. Take her to the vet so he can properly diagnose and treat the problem. Also I don't know how often you bathe her, but you should not do it over once a month.
Reply:I also have a dachshund and the vet said that they are very prone to allergies. She instructed me to give her 1/4 of a 25mg benedryl twice a day. I would check with your vet first but it is working and she is a miniature (8lbs) and the dosage seems to be alright. Also, I asked the vet about how often to bath her and as long as you aren't using medicated shampoos you can do it every week, if you are using medicated shampoo then you need to stretch it out to every other week at least.
Reply:Before you give drugs to treat the allergy, it is better to determine the cause of it. Dachsies are notorious for having sensitive skin; I am not sure about Chis however.
Try a quality food like Canidae. Nothing with corn or wheat, which causes and exacerbates allergies. (no grocery store brands in other words)
1/4 cup twice a day should be plenty for a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix (note proper spellings there!)
Too many baths will aggravate the problem. Bathing dries the skin out. Once a month should be sufficient for the little one.
Reply:Sounds like allergies or fleas. A vet can help with medications if needed. A change in food to a hypoallergenic food (such as California Natural) can help. Also use Advantage or Frontline Plus every month religiously to control fleas.
Oh and you have a chihuahua/dachshund mix.
Reply:The problem is your Chihuahua is mixed with a car.
Look up what year it was made and contact the dealer to see if it is still under warrentee.
Maybe you just need to change the oil.
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