i am using the same products as always so I cant think why im so itchy, any ideas? its driving me mad and i look scabby!
The skin on my arms and legs have been itching for about a week, i scratch so much im friction burning myself,
Reply:Try laying off of the 'hard stuff'.
Reply:Go to the Doctor
Reply:Go see a doctor. That's nasty!
Reply:I to have these problems when the weather changes. I try my best not to use any kinds of any soap that is not natural. No chemicals whats so ever. Works for me :0)
Good luck and oh do I no how you feel :0(
Reply:It may be something as simple as dry skin. Cold weather can cause it. Use a good moisturizing lotion or body creme. See if that helps.
Reply:could be dry skin; exzema, or dermatitis. also some airbourne allergy or something u are eating. u need to see a allergist or dermatologist.
Reply:You can bath with salty water, that's is the best traditional way
Reply:i would go see the quack mate,better safe then sorry,might be something simple,best address,the problem early,hope this helps
Reply:Talk to your local pharmacist - they will probably recommend EUMOVATE or BETNOVATE cream which can be purchased without prescription for about £4 per tube.
If the problem is still there after the first tube, make an appointment with the doctor. (You could do the doctor first, but it is usually quicker and more efficient to talk to the pharmacist.)
It is not usually recommended to use these products for more than 3 weeks as they thin the skin and can cause more problems.
There are many possible causes, including the usual allergies (fabrics, foods, cosmetics, biological washing power), urticaria (ask Google), and even the depo provera injection.
Reply:Well im the same...I went to the doctors and he said I have thermal urticaria, i seem to get hives on my inner legs and it gets worse in the cold weather....
Reply:You may have "winter itch", a problem common in some people during cold weather. Your skin becomes dry and itchy OR, based on what you've said about your skin being scabby, it could be other skin conditions. See a dermatologist for the best advice and help.
Reply:shower and wash with aqueous cream. get it from boots or somewhere. a big tub is only about 3.99. its really softening and gentle. i've been like this on two occasions. the first time i'd overdone it on a sunbed so i took antihistamines as well, and the second time i was developing psoriasis (i had a small rash for a week and didnt suspect anythin).
Reply:Have you got central heating?? i had really bad excema and i have to make sure that i put a bowl of water on or under the rads as it dries the air out which in turn dries you out!! Also,sometimes cosmetic comps change there ingreadients without saying anything so you go on using it without knowing its a different product!!! If its really sore i recommend Dr Haushka rose day cream...exspensive but well worth it as i no longer have excema. Good luck x
Reply:This sounds like the onset of eczema to me, though I'm not a doctor. Is it on the inside of your elbows and the back of your legs? Are there little red spots?
If it is, eczema you're better off going to the doctor for cream than over the counter. The cream you get on prescription is more effective. Simple E45 will not do for eczema.
Reply:it sounds as though you are starting to be elegiac to something you use this can happen at any time although your using the same as ever. try changing your soap powder as this can be the problem as it happened to me and now i am fine.
Reply:try using E45 itch relief cream. i have same thing in elbow bend and one side of my neck. i think its eczema. it works but prob best to see if doctor has anything too.
this cream doesnt get rid completely, just stops the itching.
Reply:samething happened to me and it turned out that i hade exzema but because i scrathed so much it got infected with strep and now i have horrible scars so yea you beter see a doctor . i also found that aveeno products work quite well they make an anti itch cream and assorted soaps and lotion all made for dry skin .
Reply:Jayne i get the same problem you have described and i use suda cream the relief is fantastic once the cream is absorbed into your skin £1.29 from boots
Reply:do you have feint red lines in the webs of your fingers , are you scratching more in the more moist parts of your body. I am not saying you are dirty but have you been in contact with anyone who may have scabies(its got noting to do with hygiene please don't be offended) if yes go to the chemist and get some lyclear. If no go to the doctor you may need allergy tests and use some lanocaine or eurax cream which has a local anaesthetic to numb the area thus give you some relief. moisturise well and don't have the central heating on too high , this will dry out your skin rapidly and encourage further irritation for you. good luck
merry Christmas all.
Reply:Change of season. The cold weather makes my skin itch too. Make sure you drink plenty to keep your skin hydrated and use a mild moisturiser. Try cocoa butter, or if it doesn't improve eumovate or betnovate from the chemist or your G.P. Hope it gets better, Merry Christmas.xx
Reply:Itching can be caused by insect bites like mosquito bites, heat rashes or allergic reactions.Aloe vera gel , apple cider vinegar or vitamin E oil can be effectively used on the affected skin.
More cheap and natural remedies for itching at
Reply:You should go to the doctors you may have an allergy.
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