I am getting these itchy pimply looking bumps everywhere. They have been slowly popping up the past few days. They are on my hands, feet, neck, back, and my arms are covered in them. They look like they could possibly be bites, but I don't go outside much, and I haven't noticed in bugs in my house. My husband and son do not have these bumps. They itch but they don't have a scabby opening or anything. They are about the size of your average pimple. Does anyone have any clue about what they could be? Thank you for your answers I don't have health insurance right now.
Question about skin rashes or bug bites?
It is really difficult to suggest what it could be. The sources below may help.
Reply:IF you have have cats or dogs wandering around in your yard they could have fleas, and when you go out and back in, they come in with you. this is a really bad time for them. The bites look like little red circles and they itch so bad!!!! Could be a neighbors animal.
Reply:I don't know but if it is bits it may be red bugs or chiggers. Get in a tub of water and bath with HEAD %26amp; SHOULDERS. It will get rid of them. (it's better than having to use clorox)
Let it stay on you skin a while.
Reply:for hair care and skin care and more related
just step into
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