Friday, August 20, 2010

What happens if I have a mole that is itchy?

Could it be cancerous? i.e skin cancer. is it possible?

What happens if I have a mole that is itchy?
Possibly. See a dermatologist.
Reply:there is th slightest possibility. Has it changed size? or texture etc? These could also indcate melanoma. I would go to your docs just to be safe
Reply:I wouldn't stress on it too much. Try not to scratch at it, and bring it up with your doctor at your next visit.
Reply:yes it could be see a doctor
Reply:My father died of skin cancer. He had a mole that bled. Now if he'd only gone to the doctor sooner he would still be alive today.

So go to the doctor and see what they say.

It's better to be a live hypochondriac than a person who has died of cancer.

PS I have to go for a checkup - I am terrified. I'll go if you go.

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