It seems, and I could be wrong but around the time I was put on cybalta for nerve pain my scalp has been itchy, no dandruff, no redness but itchy and I'm losing hair. I'm also starting to develope hives around my jaw line. It may not have anything to do with Cymbalta, I was just curious if someone else has had this reaction while taking the medication.
Has anyone had allergic skin reactions to Cymbalta?
I take it for depression but have had no such reaction to it. Have you changed anything else, fabric softener, soap, laundry or dish soap. Body lotion, perfume, hair shampoo? Anything else? Try to think about that tonight and call your doctor in the morning and see what he says he may switch you to something like Lexapro, Wellbutrine or another medication along the same lines just to make sure. I hope you get better soon. If you are itching on your skin you might want to get some benadryle lotion and use it. It works good for that, just make sure you are not allergic to benadryle.
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