It not like Michael Jackson, it's a itchy and patchy. It's on my friend's chest, neck, shoulders and now on his neck. The doctor gave him a cream, but it's not helping. Do you have any home remedies?
Home remedy for a skin fungus that is taking away some skin pigment.?
i dont have any home remedies but u should try hydrocortisone it works on anything like rashes 2 skin fungus like that.It helped me.
Reply:you need antifungals such as tea tree and oil of oregano.
Eat garlic and yogurt (not together :D)
cut out sugar and caffeine.
You might have candida (a yeast infection)
*(Yogurt)- Lactobacillus acidophilus (1 - 10 billion live organisms per day) to help restore normal balance of bacteria in the bowel and mucous membranes. Other probiotics include bifidobacteria (10 billion colony-forming units per day).
* Vitamin C (500 - 1,000 mg per day), vitamin E (200 - 400 IU per day), and selenium (200 mcg per day) are anti-inflammatory and support immune function.
* Essential fatty acids: anti-inflammatory, a mix of omega-6 (evening primrose) and omega-3 (flaxseed) may be best (2 tbs. oil per day or 1,000 - 1,500 mg twice a day). Reduce animal fats in your diet and increase fish and nuts.
* B-complex: B1 (50 - 100 mg), B2 (50 mg), B3 (25 mg), B5 (100 mg), B6 (50 - 100 mg), B12 (100 - 1,000 mcg), folate (400 mcg per day).
* Calcium (1,000 - 1,500 mg per day) to correct deficiency often found in people with yeast infections, and magnesium (750 - 1,000 mg per day) to balance calcium intake.
* Caprylic acid (1 g with meals) is an antifungal fatty acid.
* Zinc (15 mg per day) appears to increase resistance in animal studies.
* Avoid simple carbohydrates, including fruit juice, yeast, and fermented foods. Limit fruit to one serving per day. Increase garlic (fungicidal), nuts (essential fatty acids), whole grains (B vitamins), oregano, cinnamon, sage, and cloves (antifungal spices).
* Avoid overuse of antibiotics that kill off the friendly bacteria that normally keep candida in check. Talk to your doctor about the proper use of antibiotic medications, when they are necessary, and when it may be safe to try alternatives first.
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