i have red things growing out of my leg and back of my neck what are they?they are like red little bumps and they are itchy.
and how can i get rid of them?!
Skin weird?!?
I would try this! It's dry skin and this oil and lotion is awesome!
Reply:Could be Hives, i hate those, i dont get them anymore, or they could be mosquito or bug bites, if it continues see a doctor
Reply:i think its chicken pox. maybe you should go to a pharmacy or a doctor
Reply:they are an allergy..you can check it if you go to the clinic or a hospital..you have to take care about your food, place and any other..
Reply:for sure go see a doctor, no one can really give you the right answer because there are so many answers. Go and get the right one from a doctors. It could be something simple such as a alergy to somthing such as soap, or it could be bug bites, but it could be more serious so go see the doc and get some advice and medication to clear it up before it could get worse. :)
Reply:Go to a dermatologists for a check up. They are professional and are expert in skins. They can figure it out quickly and give you the things that can help.
Reply:That could be a number things. Chicken POX ,Hives etc.
Go see a doctor.
Try this out if you decide not to go to the doctor.
calamine lotion,Drink some aloe juice and green tea,
Take a multi-vitamin with a B-12 of 50mg listed.
Try this for a week and then try to narrow the things you touch ,wear,eat and drink you might have an allergy towards something.
See Doctor.
I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,
Reply:hives... chicked pox go see a dr.
Reply:this happens when a mosqitoe bites you but that is not going to harm and if you are really fed up of it then apply safromison or betnovate
Reply:its an alergey
Reply:go doctors Now !
bleeding heart
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