My daughter has had eczema on the inside of her legs ever since she was 5-6 months old. We treated it with hydrocortisone cream and all summer she had to wear light pants. Even if her skin had cleared up, she would immediately scratch herself there when we changed her diaper. Now, she's over a year old and suddenly she's scratching herself all over especially when we're changing her clothes or bathing her. She's scratching herself until she bleeds. Is this an allergic reaction to something? A bad habit she's developed? Eczema all over? Please help.
What could be making my baby so itchy?
First, check with your dr.
If it is any form of exczema, dry skin, allergic reaction:
bathe in tepid water with "oilatum" or "aveeno" bath oil.
when done in bath, don't dry her !
Put CORTISONE (not hydrocortisone) where there are any flareups.
Then slather all over with petroleum jelly or any creamy thick moisturizer.
Put on long, soft, light pj's.
You could also try an antihistamine (start with benadryl, but it will only work for 4 hours, then you have to re-dose usually in the middle of the night).
Good Luck.
ps - this regimen also works on you to make your skin very soft.
Reply:It could be a reaction to your laundry detergent. Switch over to Dreft or some detergent free of scents and dyes (for sensitive skin) and see if that doesn't help.
Reply:Has she been to the doctor recently, I would ask him or a dermatologists advice to be safe.
But what do you wash her stuff in? What kind of soap do you use on her? Powder? Ointments? Diapers? I mean it could be anything from eczema, allergies or some other skin disorder.
Reply:it could be what your washing her clothes in, she might be allergic. My son's doctor told me to use only Dove soap on him too. Try the unscented, in the soap and for clothes. If this doesn't help, I think you should take her to the Doctor, so you can find out whats causing it.
Reply:what does your ped say? my son had irritated skin on his shoulder as a baby. finally figured out he was allergic to the nickel in the snaps. maybe the metal snaps on her clothes are causing the irritation.
Reply:Ok, I would do the elimination process. Have you changed anything like the clothes soap you use or softener? That is a big culprit. I am allergic to Tide with bleach. Only when I sweat , so it was hard to figure out. Also, Eczema is a scaley looking condition on the skin. It sounds like she is allergic to something that she is in contact with, like soap, shampoo? When you buy for her make sure to stick to the same products every time. Don't switch around. So, if you've changed anything lately, change back to the old stuff. She can be given benadryl for now, call the Dr. and ask what doseage, but, it works well just mskes them sleepy. But, she is suffering and no, it's not a habit. Something is causing this.
There is evidence that Eczema is caused by a yeast infection and that pure oregano extract cures it. That is a homeopathic cure, so maybe the health food store can help you also.
Reply:Perhaps your baby is allergic to the soap, lotions, diapers, powder or even food you are feeding him/her. I suggest you call your doctor. The baby must be miserable.
Reply:I would recommend that you call your baby's doctor. As was mentioned above, she may be allergic to whatever soap you're washing her clothes in, so I would switch everything - use a dye free, unscented laundry soap and fabric softener. For her baths, I would highly recommend either Aveeno baby wash or Cetaphil followed by aveeno baby lotion. For outbreaks of eczema, ask your doctor for Elidel cream - it's a prescription cream for eczema that works really well. Finally, don't give your baby long, hot baths - quick, lukewarm baths are best for her skin.
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