It began lately, and it seems to occur after every time I take a shower now. Does anybody know the cause of this, and how I can stop it? It seems to go away after about fifteen minutes; nonetheless, it is very irritating (the skin, however, does not appear to be irritated).
Why do I get this strange itchy sensation after showering?
That's not really uncommon. It sounds like you have sensitive skin--using water that is too hot, and soap that is drying or irritating to your skin is most usually to blame. Try using slightly cooler water temps, and try a moisturizing soap, or even better a cleanser made especially for sensitive skin. I make soaps and skin care products, and I can tell you, absolutely, that the "soap" that you buy in the stores, is not actually soap at all, but rather synthetic detergents. Commercially produced soaps and cleansers have had glycerine removed, and glycerine is a natural humectant for the skin. Glycerine is a by product of the soap making's what makes well made soap (usually more expensive too!) so kind and gentle to the skin. However, be aware that using a bar of pure glycerine soap is not necessarily good for your skin either--you need a well balanced cleanser, or soap, made with moisturizing and conditioning oils as well...there are a lot of gentle cleansers on the market, experiment! Try a soap or liquid cleanser made for babies, and just keep experimenting until you find what makes your skin feel good and pampered after your shower!! Also, don't be shy about applying a GOOD moisturizing lotion after your shower! Gold Bond, or an Aveeno lotion, that contains colloidal oatmeal are both possibilities! Good luck!!
Reply:allergic to soap
bacteria in back brush used
using too hot of water with shower strips all natural oils
too vigorous of towel drying
Reply:change your soap.
Reply:use a body soap that has lanolin or an oil soothing...water is too harsh on your skin thats all it is..not conditioned enough to hard of a water..
Reply:just dry skin...usean oilier soap
Reply:It really could just be your pores opening up.
Reply:Your skin is just dry. Try changing soaps. Dove is always good for dry skin. But until your body adjusts, use some Gold Bond Medicated Cream and Powder to help stop the itch.
Hope that helps.
Reply:You're sensitive to the soaps ~ Try using soaps for sensitive skin and don't towel dry as often! Try to apply baby oil to your wet skin when drying off once a week. Your skin will be soft and moist!
Reply:Its from the hard dries the skin and makes it itchy.
Reply:allergy to some form of soap
Reply:r u trying new soap? or changed Ur washing powder, that is definitely a reaction to something u r using. sometimes when u wash the clothing and put to much washing powder in it; it doesn't always come out if u have a 2nd rinse on Ur washer use it if not make sure u do a second rinse and watch the amount being used.
Reply:The soap you are using is probably drying your skin out. Try using some moisturizer after you dry off. It will help. The same thing happens to me if it don't put my lotion on after my shower.
Reply:it can be water reaction, be adding some antiseptic-disinfectant in your bathing water.
Reply:Change your soap. Don't use very hot water.
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