I have bad allergies, and I take medication, but I still have problems with my eyes. I've been rubbing my eyes, and the skin around my eye is really irritated. What can I do without getting a prescription?
How do you get rid of itchy, watery eyes?
It definitely sounds like your allergies are affecting your eyes. You should talk to your eye doctor about your options (and to make sure that there really is a link between your allergies and your eye problems). Your eye doctor can recommend an eye drop (most likely over-the-counter) that will work the best for your particular situation.
Reply:First of all, I would suggest that you talk to your doctor about any health issues. If you don't want to do this, run water into your eyes. Sorry about your allergies.
Reply:Use Clear Eyes eye drops, they work for me!
Reply:if you got to the grocery store and ge chamomille tea just plain chamomille, boil per instructions and let it cool completely then take a shot glass and fill it up put it over your eye looking down then throw yur head back and move you open eye around for about thirty seconds discard and repeat with other eye.
Really works my Mom used to do it to me when I had allergies as a child.
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