Friday, July 23, 2010

None itchy permanent rash what is it?

My boyfriend has gotten small patches maybe 1-2cm in length on various parts of his arms and hands, theyre pinky and bumpy, looks kind of like dry skin, he says they don't itch or anything but more keep appearing. Anybody out there with a clue to what this is?

None itchy permanent rash what is it?
Sounds like dermatitis, from strong hand soaps used in the work place
Reply:have him check with a dermatologist. sounds like possible psoriasis. look for flaky skin appearing and sloughing off every few days. most psoriasis is itchy but not always. have had it on my legs for years, wont pay incredibly high price for steroidal creams, use gold bond lotion. keeps them hydrated and takes away the itch. look up "shingles" on the web, slight possibility but not likely. good luck. wisedriver
Reply:Just a skin reaction, probably to a soap. A moisturiser should help after washing. If they don't disappear his doctor can prescribe cortisone cream.

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