Friday, July 23, 2010

Small itchy mole...should I be concerned???

I have a small mole on my leg. It has only been there for about 6 months. It itches sometimes and It is pale like the rest of my skin and it is hard (gross, I know). Should I be worried? How long after a sunburn does it take for melonoma to develop?

Small itchy mole...should I be concerned???
I found this on and pasted it). What you have could be nothing...I have had similar "non-itchy" spots checked at my dermatologist that were just fibrous growths, but they always say to come back if they change in any way. You need to get it checked out at a dermatologist, especially since early treatment is your best defense if it is something. It could also be another condition besides melanoma that needs treatment, especially if it itches. Good luck!

"Cutaneous melanoma starts as an odd-looking mole. Although it can arise on any patch of skin, the disease most commonly first appears on the upper back, torso, lower legs, head, or neck. Only a doctor can tell for sure if a mole is cancerous, but anyone can use the ABCDE test to find suspicious moles: Melanomas are generally Asymmetrical; they have irregular Borders; their Color may shift between shades of brown, red, blue, and white; their Diameter is larger than a pencil eraser; and they are generally raised or Elevated above the skin. Any mole that changes its shape, size, or color or starts to itch, scale, ooze, or bleed is also cause for concern.

If you have a suspicious mole, get it checked out immediately by your doctor. He or she may want to obtain a tissue sample (a biopsy) that can be analyzed in the lab for cancer cells.

Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines, MD, January 2005.

© 2005 WebMD Inc. All rights reserved. "
Reply:Have it checked.

The thing with skin cancer is that you might see a tiny spot on the outside, but on the inside it had become quite large. Or even worse, it has metastasized to another part of your body.

It's ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry with skin growths. Have it checked.
Reply:YES...any change is a concern.

I had a mole removed in 1996 that was pre cancerous.
Reply:I guess that depends on the severity of the burn. You are fair-skinned, which makes you more susceptible. Although you know the right answer, I'll remind you: Why worry about it or give it a chance to develop? Call you doctor and get a referral to a dermatologist.

A few years ago I had a little scab on my shoulder and my family physician told me not to worry about it. Well, I did anyway and went to a dermatologist who removed it immediately and had it tested. Fortunately it was benign, but I won't take a family physician's word for it anymore and waiting around can be risky business. Have it checked out and dealt with. Take care.
Reply:if the mole is itching and is odd in color or shape could be to late you need to see a dr.

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