My upper legs (above the knee) on everyside itch like crazy! It's by far the worst at night but it also occurs during the day. My stomach also itches but not as bad as my legs do (my stomach itches during the day more). I don't have any rashes or redness or any sign that I've been scratching the heck out of them or of anything else. Lotion helps a little bit but not for long. They don't appear to have dry skin at all. Would an allergic reaction only cause itching on my legs %26amp; stomach? What is causing this? (this isn't a sign of pregnancy or anything is it?) What do I do to stop it?
Itchy Legs %26amp; Abdomen?
I sometimes have the same thing. I have no idea what causes it, but I've found a couple of things that help it. Try hydrocortisone cream. Try taking antihistamines ( the non-drowsy ones ). The best thing I've found is SARNA lotion (Target and Wal*Mart both carry it). My doctor recommended it for hives once, and it works great for just about any itch.
Reply:The cold weather can dry your skin out even if you don't notice it... you need a lotion that is thick and no fragrance added. Also, if you have stretch marks on your stomach of legs, they can itch as well.
Reply:I have no clue talk to your dr....maybe your sweating there more than other upper legs itch when i'm working out or running...and its from sweating...
Reply:Take a bath in some baby oil. Could be you have a case of dry winter skin. Draw a warm bath and add baby oil, or get some Aveeno... and soak in it, it is oat meal, and very soothing. Take a Benydral.
Reply:more than likely its dry skin and a bit of irritation from clothing rubbing against it.
Use moisturizer more frequently. A creme will work better. Talk to the pharmacist, they know the good stuff.
Reply:Your ailments do sound as though they are due to winter dryness. Moisturize those areas as much as possible.
Reply:This may sound strange, but you may be allergic to your laundry detergent, softner or dryer sheets. Usually something like that would affect your whole body, but it may be certain of your clothing or your sheets retain enough of whatever it is to cause the discomfort. I notice the other answers have some good advice if it is from dry skin, but if those ideas don't cure it, look to what you wear or sleep on. Nowdays everyone puts all kinds of chemical scents and additives into the laundry products we use and most of them are irritating to our skin. I have to use Tide Free, and unscented dryer sheets or I itch like crazy. If you sleep nude you might want to get some loose PJ bottoms to protect you legs and tummy from contact with your sheets. Do you wear panty hose or tights? Try washing them in the baby laundry soap, I think it's called Dreft or something.
Good Luck.
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