I have a 10-month old, 9-lbs chihauhau/pug mix. She's been wanting us to scratch just above her tail on her back for DAYS now...and it's such a strong itch that she barks when we stop. She's walking under kitchen chairs scratching on the legs, and it's sad to watch. She pants and gets so frustrated! We gave her a bath using the soothing, sensitive formula but it hasn't helped any. We think she might have some sort of skin rash, since we give her flea treatment. Her black hair is so short and coarse that we can't part it to see her skin, but when I flip her over and look down at her "female parts" where there's no hair, and it's a little red. What can we give her/put on her that will stop her itching? I feel so bad for her!!!
She's so itchy! help, please?
either she has fleas (look for flea dirt- black little comas) or she's allergic to something. You said that her belly is red- that's a good sign that she's about to break out with a skin infection. She needs to go to the vets and get some antibiotic sand some steroids to get over it. Keep track of when she starts to itch- it could be seasonal (like from pollen and molds) or year round (allergic to foods). Also watch her when she gets her vaccines- pugs are notorious for allergic reactions to the vaccines!!
Reply:Some dogs have allergies that cause them to itch - I'd take her to the vet to see if it's that or some kind of dermatitis
Reply:you can give a half of a childs dose of liquid benadryl, but with like all meds it affects dogs/and kids differently. If that doesn't help then your dog may have allergies and may need a professional opinion
Reply:well i cant help u there only the vet can
Reply:sounds like fleas to me. what sort of flea "treatment" did you use?
what food are you feeding?
pugs are noted for skin problems
sounds like a trip to the vet may be in order
Reply:I had a friends that had the same kinda dog and it did the same thing,this dog scratched so much that it lost the hair there and it bled.Please take it to the vet now so you can get something for it.It well become a habit to your pet and they`ll never stop thats what happened to my friends dog.
Reply:if there's no signs of flea infestation, I'd be inclined to think it's some sort of skin condition.
I'd be taking the dog to the vet and seeking professional advice.
I wouldnt be resorting to human treatments such as calomine lotion or other topical creams/ointments without talking to the vet first.
Good Luck.
Cheers :)
Reply:It might be sexual. She's the right age to experience going into heat and the base of the tail on the top of the back is a "sweet spot". Don't scratch it for her, she's being bratty and if you don't like it, you shouldn't encourage her anyway.
Otherwise, don't bathe her or give her any further treatments. If she is still super itchy, she has to go to the vet. Fleas do congregate in this area, but you should be able to see them in her butt-cheek fur swirls too. It's possibly fleas, but you can't add more treatments to a dog who is already scratching when you're not even sure fleas are present.
Reply:my dog had this and it has to go and get cortizone shots. so i would make a visit to the vet
Reply:If it is just that one spot, it could be a "hot spot." Some dogs get these, especially certain breeds. Honestly, you should check at the vet. It could be scabies or perhaps even chiggers, although you would likely see those on her belly. We also have a dog that has a food allergy and was tortured by the itch during the weeks it took us to figure out what was wrong.
The other person is correct though, you can give dogs benadryl. The dosage probably depends on the size of the dog, be careful as it can be dangerous.
Reply:i think she might be allergic to something in your house. Try some kind of medcine.
Reply:give her children's benadryl. i used to give it to my dog, until she out grew her allergies. if you don't have that handy, try an oatmeal bath. water,milk and cooked oatmeal.
Reply:I had this problem with a dog of mine, the vet said it was a flea problem (never found any), gave me prednisone pills, instant cure until I had used them all. I faithfully used the shampoos and recommended flea treatment.
I will cut right through to the cure, stopped all bathing and just let him swim in the sea, he loved to swim and the last 10 years of his life was free of itch.
I am not sure if the salt was the cure or the absence of doggy soaps and shampoos.It would be fair to say there is no one cure, start with the vet.
Reply:Give her liquid benadryl. You can go to google and type in dosage for dogs and it should give you the info that you need. I have a female english bulldog and we have to give her benadryl all of the time. The dosage that we use is 1mg per pound of body weight. Still, don't take my word for it alone. Check it out online to make sure for yourself.
Reply:Stop putting random stuff on her and take her to a vets. If you got the flea treatment from a store, very likely it has caused skin irritation. Be glad that's all that's happened.
Go to the vets for some proper flea treatment. Bathing her will only make it worse unless you use the right sort of shampoo, and you won't be finding that at a store.
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